Infographic: Super Elections

INFOGRAPHIC: 2024 Super Elections Created by Strategic Agenda’s Design team Created by our talented team of graphic designers, each month we will be releasing a new impactful infographic that visualises a data set or information source that is relevant and notable to the sector. This month, we’re visualising the year of ‘Super Elections’! Created by our […]

Campaign Spotlight: World Environment Day vs Earth Day

Campaign Spotlight: World Environment Day vs Earth Day Written by Strategic Agenda’s Communications and Writing team World Environment Day was established by the United Nations as a focal point for efforts to manage the impact of human activity on the natural environment. Every year since 1973, on 5 June, millions of people across the world […]

AI & the SDGs: SDG1

AI & the SDGs: SDG 1, No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere This series explores how artificial intelligence and machine learning are being applied to tackle each of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), starting with SDG 1, No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere. We are […]

How to reignite the ‘celebration day’ in your marketing, produce quality films in the developing world, and how not to handle crisis communications

How to reignite the ‘celebration day’ in your marketing, produce quality films in the developing world, and how not to handle crisis communications Written by Strategic Agenda’s Communications and Writing team  Working together to conquer comms in the development sector We are Strategic Agenda, a communications agency that provides strategy, content, design, video and linguistic services to […]

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